أنت غير مسجل في منتديات الوئام . للتسجيل الرجاء إضغط هنـا

صائد الفرص للأسهم الأمريكية والاوبشن 
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قديم 28 / 10 / 2001, 34 : 01 AM   #1
بــــــــا زي 
وئامي مجتهد


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+ تاريخ التسجيل » 09 / 08 / 2001

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بــــــــا زي غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي من فضلكم وقفة تشجيع منكم

السلام عليكم

منقـــــــول عن ايميل وصلنــــي

المقال للكاتب ديفيد سكربينا في جريدة ديترويت نيوز واليكم تعليق الكاتب جهاد الخازن على ماكتب في جريدة الحياة عدد يوم الاحد في عموده عيون وأذان

ديترويت نيوز صحيفة امريكية لا أقرأها عادة والصحافي ديفيد سكربينا لم اسمع بأسمه حتى 26 من الشهر الماضي عندما نشر مقالا غريبا في صراحته فهو قال بأختصار انه لو كانت الولايات المتحدة منطقية لتخلت عن تأييد اسرائيل وأصبحت كليا مؤيدة للمسلمين ومنطقية الكاتب واضحة فهو يقول أن المسلمين يزيدون عددا على اليهود في العالم بنسبة مئة الى واحد والدول العربية تملك موارد النفط والغاز التي تحتاج اليها الولايات المتحدة كثيرا ثم ان العرب يحتلون مواقع استراتيجية عبر العالم ولهم نفوذ في روسيا والصين.كان هذا 26 من الشهر الماضي وقد اثار سكربينا على نفسه والجريدة وكر دبابير لم يهدأ حتى كتابة هذه السطور فالردود اليهودية الامريكية عليه بدأت في اليوم التالي لنشر مقاله

لذا حري بنا معشر العرب والمسلمين ان نقف وقفة تأييد مع هذا الكاتب ولو معنويا بكتابة رسالة شكر له على شجاعته وموضوعيته واليك بريد الجريدة الالكتروني حيت تكتب في الموضوع


subject : To David Skrbina

ولربما كتبت رسالة قصيرة وبأمكانك نسخ ولصق الآتي

Dear Mr.Skrbina,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your objective article on The Detroit News,title "To build peace, U.S. must discard its pro-Israel bias
My best regards.
اكتب اسمك هنا


To build peace, U.S. must discard its pro-Israel bias
By David Skrbina / Special to The Detroit News
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The tragic events of Sept. 11 leave Americans numb and shocked, as we mourn the loss of innocent life. Our hearts go out to those who died, and to the many friends and relatives of the victims who continue to feel the pain of this disaster. The immediate responses of rescue and recovery are over, and we now begin to focus on security, prevention and retribution.
As shocking as these events were, there is a sense in which we should not be too surprised. U.S. actions and policies have, for many years, displayed a pointed antipathy toward Arabic nations and Islam in general. That some fanatic militant group should strike back was to be expected.
Along with our efforts of recovery and justice, we need to think about precisely why these groups hate America so much, because this gets to the root of the crisis. Certainly there are a number of factors, including American dominance in global politics. But an important factor is America's hostile attitude toward Islam and the Arab nations, an attitude driven by our extreme and unjustified support of Israel.
America's systematic pro-Israeli, anti-Muslim bias appears repeatedly on the global scene. The United States routinely votes with Israel in the United Nations, often alone, often using its veto power to block anti-Israeli motions; even such a simple and obvious action as a UN observer force in the Middle East has been derailed by lack of U.S. backing.
Israel perennially rates among the top two or three nations of the world in every category of U.S. foreign aid. American media consistently present Israel in a positive light and too often demonize Muslim people. The Gulf War was ostensibly fought to defend Kuwait and "protect oil supplies," but a clear American objective was to destroy an Iraqi military that threatened Israel. Our attack on Iraq, and the subsequent 10-year U.S.-led economic embargo, has resulted in tremendous loss of innocent life. In the end, we are directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iraqi civilians. Do we mourn those losses as well?
This pro-Israeli, anti-Muslim bias arises from at least four causes.
First, with the end of the Cold War, the U.S. military establishment desperately needs an enemy; the Jewish-Muslim conflict conveniently supplies one.
Second, the Israeli lobby has extensive influence in Washington, both through high-level appointments and substantial financial contributions.
Third, a sympathetic media too often fail to present a balanced picture, effectively deterring any potential popular reaction to unjustifiable American actions.
Fourth, there is a deep-seated but misplaced support for Jews that arises from a fundamentalist reading of the Bible; the Book of Romans declares that God will protect the friends of Israel, and the Old Testament repeatedly depicts Arabs as a nameless and faceless people who are in the way of Israeli Manifest Destiny.
By any rational accounting, the United States should be pro-Muslim. Purely on geopolitical terms, the Islamic nations should be our allies, not our enemies. Muslims outnumber Jews nearly 100-to-1 worldwide, and Arabic nations have the oil and natural resources that America badly needs. They occupy strategic locations throughout the world and have significant influence with Russia and China.
Israel offers little in terms of strategic or economic value. Any sense of democratic fairness and global equity would dictate better treatment for the Islamic nations.
Certainly there is a militant Islamic fringe, but their actions recall the untold sufferings caused by the Christian Crusades and the Inquisition. And Christians, like Muslims, are guilty of continuing violence.
Like Israel and Russia, we are very close to becoming locked into an unending cycle of deadly violence with Islam. The last thing we need to do is get involved in an unwinnable "war" against some shadowy Muslim militants. Justice, yes; but civilized justice. An all-out military assault on some Islamic nation, such as Afghanistan, must be avoided at all costs.
Let's address the root cause of the present crisis: Discard our unreasonable pro-Israeli bias and treat the Islamic nations of the world with decency and respect. This is the only way to lasting peace.
David Skrbina has a doctorate in management and is a Wayne County free-lance writer. Write letters to The Detroit News, 615 W. Lafayette, Detroit, Mich. 48226, or fax to (313) 222-6417 or send e-mail to letters@detnews.com

.................................................. ...........بــازي .................................................. ......................

اللهم عالم الغيب والشهادة ، فاطر السموات والأرض ، رب كل شئ ومليكة ، أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت أعوذ بك من شر نفسي ومن شر الشيطان وشركه وأن أقترف على نفسي سوءاً أو أجره إلى مسلم


  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 28 / 10 / 2001, 12 : 03 PM   #2
عضو شرف


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فمن الرائع ان نجد ولو قلم واحد يقف امام اميركا

يعطيك العافيه

أمــــيـــــرة الــحــــب


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